I'm attracted to my metamour - now what?

My wife and I have been married for almost nine years. She has always been sexually attracted to women as well. She has been in a relationship with another woman for almost a year. I am sexually attracted to her girlfriend but their relationship has been separate from our own. My wife sleeps with me and sleeps with her but we have never slept with each other. Should I talk about having a more open relationship with my wife and her girlfriend or should I keep my feelings to myself? Anyone have any advice?

It couldn’t hurt! Often, people end up clicking really well with their metamours, for obvious reasons. Clearly, you two have a lot in common. My recommendation would be to mention it to your wife, casually and playfully: “I’ve started to think Megianta is really cute too - think that could ever work?”

She’ll hopefully give you a lot of information. “Oh, nah, she only likes women" or “I don’t know, that might feel weird to me” or “Really? Tell me more!” or “That’s so funny, she’s into you, too - wanna talk about how that would work?” Open up the conversation and see where things go from there.