Amplifying Melanated Voices - sexual wellness

Instead of posting Ask Polyamory content this week, I will be amplifying Black voices in the area of sexual health, relationships, reproductive justice, and other relevant topics. Please support these creators and organizations with your readership, donations, and other amplifying actions.

If you would like your blog or content to be featured here, please reach out.

KIMBRITIVE - Real, empowering conversations + sexual wellness workshops for Black women and girls.

Afrosexology - We create spaces online and in real life for Black people to openly discuss sexual exploration and liberation.

Black Youth Project: Gender & Sexuality - The Black Youth Project will examine the attitudes, resources, and culture of the young, urban black millennial, exploring how these factors and others influence their decision-making, norms, and behavior in critical domains such as sex, health, and politics.

The Body: A Home For Love - the body: a home for love is a tax deductible 501c3 non-profit organization shifting culture around how black women heal from sexual trauma. through restorative programming, art, design and wellness, we curate experiences that impart healing rituals to women in need of self-love, community and safe spaces.