How can I find online communities for polyamorous people?

Is there a virtual community for polyA? A group chat on tumblr or a discord server or something like that? Asking for a friend.

There is not one - there are dozens and dozens! Here is a list of discord servers focused on polyamory, and my FAQ page here links a number of online communities. There are polyamory-focused communities on reddit, FetLife, and just about everywhere else that people congregate.

As in real life, remember that every group of people is unique and has their own communication style, quirks, and challenges. Often, online communities amplify these issues. Be careful about taking any community’s rules or attitudes as gospel.

Some communities have declared certain words or topics off-limits or have very strong beliefs about specific ideas, and while it’s polite to abide by the rules of a specific space, that does not mean that you are inherently wrong or immoral if you disagree. If you feel unwelcome, you are free to leave!

Be aware of the way that different culture building and moderation practices have an outsized effect on online communities. Stay away from ones that seem to run on shame, us-vs-them, or endless cycles of conflict. Remember that disagreement and danger are not the same thing, and that an excessive emphasis on “felt safety” can backfire.

Do not mistake online communities for group therapy, and avoid groups where “venting” about very heavy mental health topics is a primary mode of communication. Go in with an intention (to ask questions, get advice, make friends, have fun) and if you’re not getting what you need, don’t get sucked in - just leave.

Is there a glossary of terms like “metamour” or other words like “partner” that can help explain the different dynamics that appear in poly relationships? My gf and I are struggling to communicate effectively about bringing other people into our tangle because of lack of language for types of relationships.

Many of the pages listed on my Poly Resources page have glossaries, and here are a few specific ones:

Are there resources for mono people dating poly people to talk to each other (specifically mono people who are happy in that situation)? I have tried to reach out a few times but only come across people who were v unhappy, which is not me!

I am not aware of any specific forums, chats, meetups, or other places designed for mono people with poly partners to find companionship, resources, etc. You could try the sites listed here under Forums & Communities - or you might have to make your own community! Start a tumblr blog, an open chat, a subreddit, etc. and promote it in tags and channels! If you do, let me know and I’ll promo it here for you to find other folks in your same situation.

A brief search led me to a few other resources:

This article’s comment section (the article itself is kind of meh)

A mono girl’s guide to dating poly people

This blog written by a mono person in a poly relationship

Another blog by a mono person in a mono/poly relationship

Can you explain the types of polyamorous relationships? How many are there? Why can’t I find many information online? Polyamory seems awesome!

I am sorry you’re having a hard time finding much information online about polyamory! Here are some good places to start with an overview of the different types of polyamorous relationships:

You can find lots more resources in my FAQ here!

FAQ: How can I learn more about polyamory?

I get a lot of questions from people looking to dip their toes in the water and learn more about polyamory, usually because they think they might be poly or want to try a poly relationship.

There are lots of resources out there - in fact, if you’re just looking for general information, you’re better served doing a few Google searches than just asking me for resources, especially since there are so many specific issues. Are you looking for resources on poly dating? Poly parenting? Coming out as poly? Figuring out whether you’re poly? Throw a few keywords into Google and follow the trail of resources - and check out my FAQ for more specific issue-oriented Poly Advice posts.

Still, I get lots of letters asking me for generic, Poly 101 type resources, so here’s my shortlist:

The Ethical Slut - Dossie Easton and Janet Hardy
More Than Two - Franklin Veaux and Eve Rickert
Opening Up - Tristan Taormino
Daring Greatly - Brene Brown (this book is not about polyamory, but I consider it an indispensable resource for healthy self work)

General information
Websites with a wealth of different resources if you poke around them - many have their own FAQ and Resources pages.
More Than Two
Polyamory on Purpose
The Polyamory Society
Love More
Scarleteen’s Intro to Polyamory
Poly For Us
Poly Families
Opening Up
Looks Like Love To Me
Poly Living
List of poly publications at Poly in the media

Forums & communities forum
Polyamory subreddit
Poly Living
Polyamory tagged discord servers

Audio & video resources
List of radio/podcast episodes about polyamory
Polyamory Weekly podcast
Multiamory podcast
Ask A Polyamorous Person video
Polyamory and Emotional Literacy TEDx talk

Issue-specific resources
13 things I wish I'd learned before choosing non-monogamy
Guide to managing jealousy
Poly in the media
Poly Skeptics
SexGeek’s 10 Realistic Rules for Good Non-Monogamy
Poly Momma

Just felt you should be aware that Dan Savage isn’t really a good resource. He’s been called up for LGBT+ issues a trillion times and he’s generally quite rude. So you’re aware :)

I am perhaps more aware than most that Dan Savage isn’t a good resource for poly folks (but that’s a story for another day.) But on other subjects, he can be quite helpful. I am always open to more suggestions for more helpful, less obnoxious resources on kink, sex, and relationships!